10am - 6pm, Saturday 9th May
Portland Building, University Park
Free entry - No need to book - Everyone welcome
‘Capitalism has destroyed our belief in any effective power but that of self interest backed by force’ George Bernard Shaw
Why is there so much fighting, destruction and suffering on our planet? Is modern warfare really ‘human nature’? How are conflicts related to economics and geopolitics? Is the capitalist system to blame?
Join us for a day of talks, interactive workshops, discussions, debates, films and food. The conference will engage in a range of topics exploring the links between war and the dominant economic system of our time.
Confirmed speakers, groups and participants:
Milan Rai, editor of Peace News Dr. Matthew Rendall, Lecturer in Politics and International Relations Dr. Srila Roy, Lecturer in School of Sociology Dr. Tim Jacoby, Lecturer in the School of Environment and Development at Manchester University Dr. Andy Robinson, Research Fellow in the School of Politics and International Relations Steve Yemm, from the think-tank Compass Campaign Against the Arms Trade New Internationalist Shut Down H&K Amnesty International Frank Jackson, editor of World Disarm!
For more information, email: nspm@riseup.net
Whether for one session or all day, join us for some informative and insightful investigation of these pressing issues.
p/s: Ini program untuk orang di Nottingham. Orang di Malaysia pun ada juga program pada hari yang sama. Konvesyen Berakhirnya Agenda Zionis. Sangat-sangat berharap sesiapa yang berkelapangan dapat menghadiri majlis ilmu itu. Kalau ada kat Malaysia, saya pi da ni..^_^
Salam ziarah..
seronok baca ur storyy.. anyway jgn sedih sgt x dpt pergi Konvensyen berakhirnya agenda zionis tuh.. kat UK lagi byk peluang utk attend talk hebat2 kan..
teringt wktu di UK peluang untuk belajar n hadiri majlis ilmu terbentang luas.. agak sedih di sini agak banyak kekangan.. sob sob
anyway, saya berkesempatan attend konvensyenn.. terubat rindu hati dkt UK dengar presentation azzam tamimi..
happy sgt2.
btw.. Suhaila 1st year eh? asal cam x kenal lgsg
Nur Tapri
N Tapri
salam.eh, btul ke akak g konvesyen tu?he3..haah,sy 1st year biology.tanya kak atie psl akak..akak senior last year kan..nanti saya add akak kt facebook..nk menuntut ilmu ngn akak ni..psl konvesyen tu..blh kn?^_^
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