Tickets GBP25 (~RM125) sold out. What's left? The exclusive ticket: GBP125 (~RM625)! In Malaysia, last two months, Prof Tariq Ramadan's talks were free!
Full video connference
What are interesting?
1) The culture and traditions in Oxford that have never been reformed.
2) The way the speaker, deliver the speech. Since most of the guests (from the video view) are Pakistanis, Shaykh Hamza welcomed them with Urdu language, ghairat. A scholar should know and share more than just knowledge about Islam, but also from science, philosophy and others, and he relates all of them to Islam.
3) Relationship between reform and islah, with renovation and tajdid.
4) What can be reformed and what is can't (tsawabit).
5) The reformists, such as Imam Hassan al-Banna, the grandfather of Prof Tariq Ramadhan.
6) The differences between Britain and America. "Britain is the most tolerant nation in the world!" I like:)
7) The 'sunnah' that have been faced by the scholar like Imam Abu Hanifah with government- they were jailed, and tortured.
8) Muslims' population throughout the world. 12% children in New York are Muslims!
9) "I don't believe in press anymore, because when I read about myself in the press, I know it is rubbish!" -Shaykh Hamza Yusof.
10) Islam is peace! "If you meet women in a battle, please run away from them." "The disbeliever shouldn't be fought (yuqatiru) but they should be treated (yu'amaru) in accordance with his being.
11) The discipline of taking any fatwa.
I will update this post later since just finished watching the video for the first 1.02 hour. There are other commitments need to be done.
"Biar sikit-sikit, tapi istiqamah:)" InsyaAllah.
Let if you are having problem to understand the US or most probably the British accent, here are the transript provided. Did you noticed what's differ with those dialects?
p/s: Amazed with Shaykh Hamza. A very multi tasking guy. While waiting for the speech, it seemed like he was memorizing something, maybe certain ayah in Al-Quran or zikr. While starting his speech, he put his watch to make him aware of the time he should stop. Cool!
Edited on 20th September 2010
Additional notes:
12) Intention why we want to reform is very important, are we going to be more faithful or not.
13) We can't spend the time to understand how the scholars dealing about difference in each fatwa (fiqh), but we need to understand the methodology (usul fiqh).
14) Islam does not need to be reformed, but we need to reform the Muslims. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said about corrupting people (fasadaha). This is meant by islah.
15) We should reforming the Muslims' mind about how we are going to remain faithful to the principle of Islam today. The main intention.
16) Why we are alienating concepts that come from non-Muslim if the concepts are Islamic?
17) Islah, tajdid(renewing) and ihya' (reviving) the mind are the intrinsic to be faithful.
18) Syariah is a concept that scholars are trying to get the rules within the society and individual so that we are more faithful.
19) There are no way to be faithful unless through jihad. The very meaning in jihad is to resist the mungkar to reform for the better (maa'ruf).
20) The problem is about understanding the methodology. How to implement the verses we read in the environment we are experiencing. The mujtahid (the 'implementor') or mufti need to know what the people are facing in daily life in that environment to apply the fatwa.
21) Are we planning to reform to gain faithfulness or pleasing the government and other people? We should never have scholars that work for specific government- Prof Tariq Ramadan.
22) The psychology atmosphere can distort the essence of fatwa if they are taking it out of fear.
23) Islah an-nafs (reform ourselves) are to be just to ourselves. We need the knowledge (know ourselves) and change.
24) All the term of Islamic banking ,etc are more about implementing the halal in haram ethics. In Medicine, when the doctors are working with scholars, it is the best field in implementing Islam fully.
25) We need scholars come from science field, engineering, psychology and other fields. What we have today, most of intellectual are experts in their fields but when it comes to knowledge about Islam, they are childish.
26) Isolation is a way not to contribute while assimilation is a way to lose our soul to the world.
27) In US, 53% of the population voted for allowing violence.
Stopped at 1:52. To be continued..
p/s 2: The audience came from different background. As expected, non-Muslims were there as well. Of course, the speakers have to be very critical in delivering all the facts without wounding others' feelings. What a brilliant job they did!
Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku,dan matiku hanya semata-mata bagi Allah, Tuhan semesta alam.
Nur Suhaila Zulkifli
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